The Joey Journal By The Joey Journal0 Comments Location: 1 min read2.2K views
It’s fascinating how something so small such as a pocket square can make such a big impact. The hard part is deciding which one to wear first

What good is a statement pocket square if it doesn’t make a statement? Get ready to fold?

How To Fold A Pocket Square


Here’s 52 Ways to Fold Your Pocket Square’ by Trendhim the Danish online Menswear Retailer debuts their brand-new style bible for the latest release of their book. 

“Here’s a trick to making the most popular items in your wardrobe look fresh, even when they are the same ones from last year – Accessories.”

Get to grips with Top Tips and Rules for Folding the Pocket Square so feel free to improvise with your own fold.

Are you looking to upgrade your sartorial ‘know how’ make this book your Ultimate Menswear Guide that every debonair man about town needs to refine his style with quintessential flair.

If you’re outfit is a statement…think of pocket squares as punctuation. The right one takes you from ‘I look good? to I feel great. It’s all about the details.”

How to Fold a Pocket Square

Let’s forget all the tricky stuff!! Here are my quick and easy pocket square folds on the go to get you through all occasions from date night, sporting season to formal attire wear.

How To Fold A Pocket Square

If you’re looking for a few good starter folds to get acquainted with I suggest The Presidential or The Classic One Point.”

How to Fold A Pocket Sqaure


Really up for the challenge? Try folding The Rose or 4 Angled Peaks for that polished debonair man about town look. Or if you’re looking to go a bit more casual but still want to fold the pocket square in seconds, there’s the puff. 

So When Did We Start Folding Pocket Sqaures

A bit of history of Fashion 101 for you and facts: The Trend of Folding and tucking in a gorgeous piece of fabric the Pocket Square we know today! into one’s jacket took off in the 1920s and fell out of style in the 1960s. Interestingly enough a resurgence in pocket square popularity made a comeback in the 90s when Actors on highly rated TV SHOWS started sporting the look again.

Want More Styling Tips? 

You can check out the book in detail and definitely one you should keep on your coffee table if you happen to fancy looking up style inspiration. I highly recommend this book by Trendhim for all Menswear Style Aficionados out there looking for some new Sartorial inspiration on Saville Row to suit up and look sharp.

How to Fold a Pocket Square
The latest book release by Trendhim

Just remember even the smallest detail can make you stand out. A statement-making piece that doesn’t need to scream for attention – it’s style is enough to start a conversation. Dress your pocket square up or down its your story to tell. First impressions count, make yours matter.

Everybody’s got a story. TRENDHIM are here to help tell yours. Follow them for Men’s style, latest products and all the stuff in between. Discover a lovely range of Jewellery and Accessories to suit Men designed in Denmark which you can SHOP just here > trnd.hm/shopIG

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