Just a few Ways to be a Better Man in a relationship

The Joey Journal By The Joey Journal0 Comments Location: 3 min read1.7K views
Ever wondered what Men should do to improve a relationship with their Partner?

Are you struggling with expressing love and appreciation in meaningful ways? Don’t worry! Many couples struggle with maintaining healthy and fulfilling relationships in today’s fast-paced and stressful environment – don’t fret though; there are easy ways you can show how much you care without expending too much time, money or energy. Here are 7 Tips that might inspire you:

1. Active Listening

When your partner speaks, pay careful attention to everything they say – what they are saying, why they are saying it and any reactions from you as an audience member. Show that you care by nodding along or making eye contact if appropriate and asking follow-up questions without interrupting or giving unsolicited advice or opinions of any sort – active listening can help strengthen emotional ties while improving understanding between you.

2. Compliment Sincerely

If you see something positive in your partner, be sincere when sharing it. Try using “I” statements rather than generic “you” phrases so your compliment is more personal. Rather than saying simply, “You look great”, give genuine compliments. This could improve self-esteem, create trust between people, and deepen mutual attraction between partners.

3. Show Affection Regularly

Physical touch releases endorphins that relieve stress; make this part of your daily routine! Respect each partner’s preferences and acknowledge when more space may be vital for either party. Non-physical expressions like sending love notes, giving thoughtful presents or doing kind acts are great ways to show love!

4. Share Responsibilities

Sharing responsibilities between partners can ease strain in relationships by reducing burdensome or unrecognised emotions for either spouse. To do this successfully and avoid possible conflict or tension in relationships, share responsibilities equally based on strengths, schedules, and preferences (with help supplied where required).

5. Consider Your Surprises

Presenting clever surprises is a lovely way to show the depth of your love while simultaneously demonstrating that you understand their interests and preferences. All surprises should not be treated equally though, as some could backfire if too costly, extensive, or different from what your partner desires for surprises – to avoid disappointment or frustration, be sure that all surprises meet both schedule and mood requirements. Remember that small gestures have more of an effect than grandiose ones and planning vacations can be a great gift idea!

6. Apologise Sincerely

No relationship can ever remain perfect; conflicts and misunderstandings will invariably arise at some point; it’s how these incidents are addressed that matters the most when these occur – being sincere when wrong, hurtful, or insensitive can go a long way in rebuilding trust, respect, and affection between partners.

7. Consider Relation Therapy

No matter our efforts to keep relationships strong and harmonious, our relationships may still come across challenges or conflicts which prove too great or persistent for us alone to resolve on our own. When this is the case for us, pursuing professional relationship counselling services may be a wise and practical decision.

Therapy offers a safe space to discuss feelings, goals and communication challenges while learning problem-solving and problem-avoidance skills; furthermore it can assist you with healing past wounds, improving emotional intelligence, and heightening intimacy and trust between parties affected.

For professional relationship counselling, contact Susie Tuckwell – Your local relationship therapist.

8. Explore Your Intimacy Together

Sex is an important aspect of any relationship. Getting to know your partner, experiencing something new together, choosing to use condoms, or planning for pregnancy are crucial factors and decisions that should not be overlooked. Be sure to communicate openly with your partner, take decisions together, and be open to new experiences.


Making your partner feel adored and respected doesn’t need to be complicated or expensive; by regularly practising these straightforward yet heartfelt gestures, you can strengthen your relationship, deepen the connection, and create an even more joyful and rewarding life together. Remember to communicate openly, respect each other’s boundaries, and celebrate differences as well as similarities – these small but significant acts will surely leave them feeling amazing! With devotion, patience, and commitment – they will feel like the centre of the universe!

Disclaimer: THE JOEY JOURNAL does not provide Relationship counselling or life coaching. Any material published on this blog is not intended as a substitute for professional relationship advice which comes from my own personal life experiences of sharing relatable experience with my Audience, and you should not take any action before contacting your Healthcare Practitioner or Medically trained Counsellor.

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