Italian Culture is steeped in food, arts, architecture, family and…Aperitivo! Try Americano Cocchi or Rosa and Enjoy!
Cocchi produces since 1891 “Superb Vermouths Torino for Manhattan and Martini cocktails”
Known all over the world for the tradition and historicity of production, Vermouth di Torino is an aromatized wine born in the 18th century at the foot of the Alps and appreciated by the Royal Court of the Savoy.
Giulio Cocchi had the great idea of establishing authorized retailers where people could taste his products: sparkling winese, Barolo Chinato, Aperitivo Americano and a few distinct Vermouths. In 1913 there were seven Cocchi tasting Bars in Piermonte that soon became twelve.

Vermouth Amaro Cocchi has been created according to the original recipe by Giulio Cocchi where Artemisia was enriched with rhubarb, qassia wood, chiretta and a double fusion of cinchona. The addition of Barolo Chinato to the base wine gives delicately red nuances and a further soft and complex note – totally Cocchi style.
Cocchi since 1891: “ Labor omnia vincit”, work conquers all
Over the years Cocchi have witnessed the evolution of the Vermouth di Torino processing techniques where the new ones have joined the old ones. At present their coexistence continues today to preserve and enhance the traditional production.
Produced according to Guilio Cocchi original recipe, Cochi Americano is recognised in Asti as the aperitif par excellence – a real piece of history of the town. On it’s label the original futurist rooster designed in the 30’s and representing his aperitif function “it awakes the appetite” as well as on of the symbols of the town of Asti.
Vermouth di Torino is known throughout the world for the tradition and history of its production. Its name is inextricably linked to Piedmont and Turin, where in the 1880s a real aristocracy of vermuttieri developed thanks to which, to different degrees and ways, the popularity of Turin Vermouth became international, reaching a great worldwide resonance. It’s a rare “evening vermouth” called Dopo Teatro on the wake of Piedmonts tradition to drink a small cup of cool vermouth with lemon zest in the evening, perhaps after watching a performance in one of the historic theatres of the Savoy capital.
Vermouth di Torino is a collective heritage of Piedmontese people. The Savoy dynasty, kings of Piedmont, was it’s first great promoter and since the end of XVIII century played a relevant role in the success of vermouth, generating flourishing industry which soon made Piedmont the veritable Kingdom of Vermouth.
Asti, where it all began. Today in Asti – the place where Giulio Cocchi 1891 was founded – it is a celebration: San Secondo, patron saint of the city, is celebrated
Cocchi Americano is an aromatized wine created in 1891 by Giulio Cocchi and since then produced without interruption according to the original recipe. The name Americano is both due to the alcohol made bitter amaricato by the addition of herbs and spices and to the American habbit of drinking vermouth with ice and soda. I just found out that Vermouth is best served with cheese which is divine when paired together during Aperitivo.
A toast to the summer, Un brindisi all’estate
Born in Piedmont in the last century, Barolo Chinato soon spread thanks to its refined taste, well balanced between bitter and sweet, and especially for the leading effect on the market of its name “ Barolo”, that immediately positioned it among the noblest products compared to various other types of alcoholic drinks based on cinchona. Spices, together with other aromatized wine, are at the heart of the Cocchi products. It is known a botanical library is used to collect the many herbs and spices to craft the original signature formulas by Giulio Cocchi
During its history, Cocchi has produced some variants to its Aperitivo Americano. The most recent is Cocchi Rosa produced with a based of red wines of Piedmont to which herbs and spices extracts are added in particular gentian, cinchona, citrus zest and rose petals. Cocchi vermouths aromatized and sparkling wines are known all over the world: in Asti, the Cocchi Bar in Piazza Alfieri is a reference point for the city for over a century. Cocchi’s products and brand were spreading worldwide yet at the beginning of the XX century were exported to London, New York, Sydney, Colonial Africa and Venezuela.
Since 1978, Giulio Cocchi is owned and operated by the Bava Family, themselves highly renowned wine producers in Moferrato and Langhe. Today the winery still maintains its artisan character and follows the original recipes, formulated by Giulio Cocchi in 1891, to craft the distinctive wines that have made the Cocchi a cult name. Among the results of the last 30 years, defense of Barolo Chinato from forgetfulness and the re-launch of Vermouth di Torino since 2011 has been the driving force for the rebirth of the top of the range Vermouth di Torino on the international scene.
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